Our Supporters


Churches play a vital role in sponsoring refugees, uniting communities to provide essential support and resources. By harnessing the collective power of churches, we create a welcoming atmosphere where refugees can rebuild their lives with dignity and hope. Together, we make a significant difference, transforming lives and nurturing a sense of belonging for those who have faced adversity.

Established Businesses 

Established businesses sponsoring refugees to move to Canada demonstrate corporate social responsibility and aid in integration and economic success. Through financial support, job opportunities, and resources, they help refugees rebuild their lives, contribute to the economy, and foster diversity, enriching Canadian communities. This partnership benefits individuals and enhances Canada’s social and economic landscape.

Former Refugees

Former refugees play a crucial role in sponsoring newcomers, offering firsthand empathy and guidance in navigating resettlement. Their unique perspective fosters trust and eases the transition, while also advocating for inclusive policies and enriching cultural diversity in communities.